[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Regan Arts
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle, Audio Book, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]

Cheryl lives in a bubble in Little Neck Cove. Life is perfect; lawns are manicured and even the kids are behaved. Cheryl is the younger, newer wife that has joined Little Neck Cove by the grace of marriage to her older husband. His appeal has worn off and perhaps hers has, too, as she senses she does not fit in to the exclusive, tightknit community. Teddy, her stepson, arrives home after failing out of Dartmouth. They have never really interacted in the past, but given how Teddy’s father (Cheryl’s husband) seems to be gone more and more, they strike up an alliance. At the same time, the exclusivity of the community pits neighbors against local fishermen who are fishing from the local beaches. A collision of brains and brawn creates high drama in this novel.

As this reviewer read this book, she could sense the brewing storm and the ultimate consequences that were going to be forged. Waclawiak is a skilled writer that created believable characters and detailed conversations that carried the reader through the story. Readers will empathize with each of the characters, even though some of them are not very lovable. The Invaders is a great read, allowing readers to see how territorial thinking, as well as not aging gracefully, can transform characters as they struggle to find their place in the ever-changing world.

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