[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Little Bigfoot
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
Bigfoot does not like birthday parties, but the people of Mossy Pockets do not know this as they set about putting together a birthday party for Bigfoot. The mayor wears a special outfit, the baker has a mountain of pies prepared, and the town band assembles along with all of the other eclectic characters of Mossy Pockets. As the town prepares for the party, they also set about searching for Bigfoot who is busy hiding from their scheme. In many of the pages, you can look to find Bigfoot hidden, watching the villagers making their preparations. Everything soon comes to a screeching halt when a fly makes a beeline for the tower of pies. Soon everyone is covered in a mess of crust and filling — to everyone’s horror, even Bigfoot ends up with a pie on his head. This is a fun, imaginative, brightly colored book with a large, bright blue Bigfoot. There are fun things to find on every page: no two of the town’s people are the same. It is well written and illustrated, fun for any kid and any parent who will likely be forced to read it again and again.
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