[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: CreateSpace
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]
DNA-tracing can answer so many questions, however it can also bring up many more. What if you found out that elements of your past, which you believed, weren’t actually true? What if what you thought to be your mother’s history was all a lie? Katya, written by Jon Martell and Jamie McCormick, is the intertwined story of a young woman who gets in over her head during a time of turmoil in Germany and goes into hiding. She escapes to the United States and, through the help of a friend, with whom she eventually falls in love, creates a new life. When many years later, Katya returns to Germany, she visits an old castle tower she adored – and never returns. She is found dead and her identity becomes a great mystery, along with the nature of her fate.
Katya’s history and the current story of the tower scene and investigation unravel a fascinating tale of fated love and circumstance. Martell and McCormick weave Katya’s history of romance, nobility, and heroism together with mental illness, fate, and faith. While the book is incredibly enthralling, it leaves off without closure. The ending for Tom, Katya’s abandoned husband who must make the trip back to Chicago alone, and the “whodunit” question each remain shelved awaiting closure that will never come.
Katya is an intimate story of life, hard work, and some very clever – and lucky – scheming. The story leaves the reader pondering more questions with the turn of every page, and growing admiration for the police inspector who finds justice by his actions. Truly a mystery without the violence, it is a wonderful story about true love, passion for home and family, and setting the world as right as you can. Katya is well written, with deep German roots, and is a memorable story worthy of reading.
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