[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
Della Temple’s book, Tame Your Inner Critic, revolves around the idea of ridding yourself of negative thoughts and feelings, or shutting down that nagging voice in your head that tells you “you’re not good enough.” Her belief is that much of our inner critic is a result of internalizing how others (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) perceive us, and their projections of what they expect us to be like. For example, if you grow up hearing your mother say “no one will ever love you,” it’s possible to eventually internalize it to the point you believe it as fact. Tame Your Inner Critic offers ways to help shake these negative internalizations and uncover the core of who you can be without that baggage weighing you down.
The book is a classic self-help book, with a bit more New Age spin. It is broken up into two parts: part one is focused on removing the negative inner critic from yourself, part two looks forward to the future and offers ways to live with a purpose instead of just existing. Each chapter contains meditation and journal exercises and there is a helpful table of contents at the beginning of the book for the exercises to help guide readers to a specific one. The book also includes some personal stories from Della, and some of her clients to give some context to the themes of the individual chapters.
Readers may find that many of the exercises are very similar to each other although they do build on the previous chapters. There isn’t anything that really stands out with the book, and it contains much the same information as other New Age self-help guides. However, Tame Your Inner Critic is an easy guide to read, and does do a good job of sticking to the point. While this book isn’t for everyone, it could be a good tool for people who have tried more traditional routes or therapies and still feel crippled by their inner critic.
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