[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Da Capo Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble [/alert]

Like many rock and roll memoirs, Medley’s book details the exciting rise of The Righteous Brothers, followed by a lengthy series of conflicts between Medley and his singing partner Bobby Hatfield. In this recitation, Hatfield is frankly critical of his behavior, as well as the various character quirks of his partner.

Along the way, the author tells quite a few amusing stories. My favorite is one that describes Medley introducing Johnny Carson at a Las Vegas lounge, only to have the spotlight shine on a patron getting up to use the restroom. Stressed over how Carson will react, the author looks over to find Johnny bent over in laughter.

Other than his extensive critiques of his own and Hatfield’s behavior, the author and his co-writer are so complimentary about Medley’s other show biz friends and former girl friends, that at times the reader feels that he is stuck in Lake Woebegone, where all the show business people are friendly, attractive and “real people.” As the book goes on, the reader starts to wonder if the author ever met anyone in show business that he didn’t like.

Overall the book is an easy read, and worth the price of admission for its stories.

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