[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Philomel Books
Formats: Board Book
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic, and beautifully illustrated children’s book. This endearing and enduring little book about a tiny caterpillar with a huge appetite was written and illustrated by Eric Carle, and originally published in 1969. It is engaging for both children and adults both for its bright colors and for its simple and surprisingly educational story. Many children over the years were first exposed to the concept of counting, days of the week, as well as some unfamiliar types of foods through this classic book.
This particular edition, published by Philomel Books, is a board book – suitable for the youngest of readers. The hole punch effect of the caterpillar’s path through the various foods ads a tactile aspect to the book that young children are bound to enjoy. This particular gift set also includes an adorable holiday ornament of the little caterpillar eating its way through an apple. This set would make a wonderful gift for expecting parents or for the youngest addition to your family. Remember that it is never too early to get a child interested in reading!
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