[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Knopf
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle, Audiobook, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | iBooks[/alert]
Marriage, friendship and death are tested in Lauren Fox’s latest novel, Days of Awe. Isabel and Josie are best friends and confidants, or so Isabel believed before Josie’s untimely and shocking death. Josie is married to Isabel’s best friend, Mark. Isabel and her husband, Chris, are going through their own crisis and Isabel is learning just how angry a 12 year old can truly be. Isabel examines the past with a more critical eye and sees warning signs everywhere that she initially missed. She is afraid of the future and a potential new relationship. She feels betrayed when Mark seeks solace in someone that she does not approve of, and the sense of betrayal worsens when Isabel’s daughter wants to live with Chris full-time.
Fox explores motherhood, friendship, and marriage through expert storytelling; so real that reader wonders if this book is fact or fiction. Her writing is descriptive and pictures easily appear for the reader to ponder which bring to life the painful emotions of being human. Fox adeptly leads the reader to face the raw emotions that Isabel is faced with and it feels like real-life. Fox is a talented writer and this reviewer will definitely go and read her two previous novels.
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