[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]
Claire’s best friend, Bess, moves to San Francisco and unbelievably, Claire is now the only girl in her school. On the plus side, Claire gets the girls’ bathroom to herself, but on the negative side, she is pretty lonely. Her friend, Henry, no longer talks to her and none of the other boys in school are very welcoming to her either. Gilbert has a crush on her and Webby is just plain mean, so Claire does not have a lot of options. Claire happens to be a good sailor and can hold her own on the soccer field so these things keep Claire busy, but no less hated by the boys. Claire manages to act all of the female roles in the school play but misses Bess terribly.
Each chapter is a letter written to Bess, describing the latest challenge of being the only girl at school. The young reader will easily empathize with the imbalance in Claire’s life. There is humor and challenges and readers in grades three through seven will be amused and motivated to see how the story ends. There are a few line drawings in the book, which adds to the interesting story. The tale is realistic, yet entertaining and readers will want to know how Claire’s many friendships (or lack of) will resolve in the end.
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