[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Lulu
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound[/alert]
There is nothing fancy about Get Scrappy, but Dave Berkus and Kim Shepherd have assembled a little book of wise, and practical, advice. The advice ranges widely from startups, to marketing, to managing people, to growth. Information is thrown on the pages, so as the reader, one needs to determine how best to digest it. A highlighter and pen would be good choices as the reader tries to capture all insights. Many links and tools are provided. There are many guest authors in the book, but Berkus (primarily) and Shepherd offer lots of advice. For example, Shepherd is a large proponent of having a virtual business. She believes the financial gain by going virtual is paramount, but the company must have the technology to support the structure. She also offers tips on how to make it work.
There are facts, figures, opinions, and stories. There are multiple viewpoints from the various contributing authors. There is humor and matter-of-fact information included. The pages are littered with bold words, numbered lists, and bullet points. There is no shortage of ideas in Get Scrappy. The challenge will be to figure out how to capture what you need, and you guessed it, put it into action. Good luck!
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