[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Stockholm Text
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
The house Astrid has known for her entire life of six years is being sold by her mother, Cornelia Garansson. They will begin anew in an apartment the next day without Astrid’s father, whom Cornelia is divorcing. In the morning, Astrid discovers the lifeless body of her father in the guest room of the house. The murder initiates a complex of possibilities including next-door neighbors, co-workers, real estate agents, inspectors, and Astrid’s mother. Emma Sköld, who has her own personal and overlapping issues, heads the investigation.
The author is Sofie Sarenbrant, from Sweden. Since 2010 she has published six books with a seventh on the way. More than 500,000 copies of her books have been purchased. This book, Killer Deal, is her first in English translation. Emma Sköld is the detective in this book and appears (based on Google translation of Swedish) to be the third of Sarenbrant’s books with Emma as a major character (the most recent book will be the fourth).
There are 400 pages in this book with 105 chapters, which makes the focus of each chapter succinct. The vast majority of the book is written in third person with the narration providing only enough information to enhance the reader’s understanding of the characters and story while not getting lost in minutiae. Scattered through the book are a number of first person chapters, which add to the mystery. The story, its presentation, and flow were quite entertaining. The only criticism is being left at the end of the novel with questions, which is mildly unsatisfying. Could it be part of a lead-in to the next book?
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