[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Orchard Books
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Amazon [/alert]

The White House: A Pop-Up of Our Nation’s Home is a simple and easy way to expose young ones to our nation’s Presidential residence, and teach them a bit of history in a fun, engaging format. The book contains a total of six main pages, most of which have smaller fold out sections with extra bits of information. The book is very much geared towards the younger bracket of 6-8 year-old children.

There is a poem, set aside in white boxes, that carries some semblance of a narrative, although it is likely that the poem will go over most children’s heads. The facts are sparse and simple, and include tidbits such as explaining that The Lincoln Bedroom was The Lincoln Study up until 1945 when President Harry Truman ordered the bedroom set moved in. These bits of information are enough to inspire questions by inquisitive minds, but probably won’t be much help in a school project. The pop-up structures are fairly simple, so unless your child is very rough with their books, it’s unlikely pieces will tear too easily – an understandable concern when mixing small children with pop-up books.

While worth checking out, The White House: A Pop-Up of Our Nation’s Home may be more of a novelty than a form of education or entertainment, although pop-up book collectors may find it right up their alley.

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