[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Drunk Publishing
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound[/alert]
Good Globe: Time for a Change of Hemisphere is a snippet biographical look into Shelby Simpson’s travel experiences from laugh-out-loud awkward and embarrassing moments to heart-wrenchingly poignant moments of clarity, revelation, shock, and awe.
The story has a delightful, easy-to-read flow allowing readers to visualize and enjoy the ride, although, the tales don’t offer much closure nor are they in any chronological order, which the author openly admits up front. It contains her bucket list of what she wants to accomplish not just in travel, but also in self-improvement with a Long-Term Travel Possible Gain List and a Possible Loss List.
Amid all the humor and excitement, the author addresses all the usual traveling concerns of personal safety, money issues – both too much and not enough – and even the fear of flying. She does this lovingly as a friend with an inside scoop would, coupled with good arguments for all. Some of the stories I wanted to know more. For example, what happened when she went to Fiji the second time with the red mustache and unibrow?!
Simpson is self-aware with a true adventurer’s soul and a wanderer’s spirit wielding them with the most beautifully painted descriptions. She will get you excited about traveling to see the secrets of this world even if that means in body and not just from the comfort of your own Internet.
“Do it before globalization kills authenticity.”
So driven to travel, Simpson did whatever jobs she needed to in order to fund her next adventure. She was an English teacher in Thailand, a sex teacher in London, a sandwich maker, barista, nanny, and whatever else she could get. Readers won’t agree with all of her choices and at times I found myself shouting, “No! Don’t do that!” but in the end, it is her story, her journey and her lifelong memories she’s sharing with all of us.
There is so much more I want to say about this book but ultimately it comes down to this: Read this book! It will be worth your time, tickle your funny bone, make you challenge your what ifs, and maybe even send you on your own travel adventure.
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