Pamela Goodwin, author and photographer of this poetry collection, states the purpose of her book is “to offer ideas that are thoughtful and that resonate in their portrayal. The photographs are for enjoyment.” After perusing her work, I would agree. I found many of her poems simple but elegant, connecting to current thoughts and feelings in my own life. In general, her poems do not feel forced, repetitive, or overworked. There were several that really made me wish for a backstory to read and the more I read the more I went back and re-read.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Inkwater Press
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]
Her poem “All of My Days” seems quite timely on several fronts: “May all of my days be filled celebrating life, tending to those I love, and to those I meet; each day, doing for them before me.” These twenty-seven words keep rattling around in my mind connecting to leadership, community building, and personal effectiveness.
I also have found other passages in this book to be useful for setting intention for yoga or meditation practice or daily reflection, without being too prescriptive. The poem titled “Nature’s Way” paired with a picture of the crashing tide sets you up perfectly for breath work and thoughts on working through resistance.
There is likely a poem in this second volume for most, a few to make you laugh, many to ponder, a few to give you pause, and of course, look for more.
I leave you all with the other poem that keeps drawing me back for several reasons titled, “To Choose.” “A privilege indeed, for us whose forefathers made us free, to choose each day how to participate and with whom to be.”
Thank you Pamela for sharing your words.
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