In Amish Sweethearts, Lila and Zane are neighbors in Lancaster county, having grown up as good friends. The characters are now fresh out of high school, and tension from unspoken feelings for each other strains the relationship. Lila is Amish and has a strict father, where Zane is not Amish, and his father is in the military. When Lila’s father insists she starts courting the bishop’s son, a heartbroken Zane joins the Army to escape his feelings. Sent to Afghanistan, Zane questions his feelings of service, new friends, and his love for Lila. Meanwhile, Lila is being pressured into a marriage she’s not sure she wants. How will Lila and Zane’s feelings affect their futures?
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Formats: Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | iBooks[/alert]
Amish Sweethearts is book two in the Neighbors of Lancaster County series, and is a work of religious fiction. The author, Leslie Gould, did a good job continuing the story from the first book and explaining past adventures without losing new readers, or potentially boring old ones. Lila and Zane will grab your attention right away. The story stresses concerns of current day societal and world problems. This book is well worth the read for anyone interested in Amish themed romances.
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