Are Pirates Polite? is a story about the daily lives of polite pirates who use manners each and every day. The pirates are raucous, rowdy, and silly as they go about their daily duties… but they are always polite! They use “please” and “thank you” all day! The story is told in rhyme as in “When pirates dine at dinner, they’re never, ever rude. Even scallywags keep their mouths shut while they chew their food!” They learn to stand in line and also to take turns with who goes first! Listed in the story are the 12 Pirate Manners that are talked about on each page.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Orchard Books
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | iBooks[/alert]
This book is printed at a perfect size for younger readers to look at and read together with parents or friends. The large size also shows off the nice big and colorful drawings that cover each and every page of this polite pirate book. Most of the pirates have a smile on their face on every page. This is a good book to teach children manners using the catchy phrases from the story. It is also a nice story for all the younger children who enjoy playing as pirates.
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