Love this story of gooey Billy Bloo! The best part of this book is that Billy and several other characters appear to be children/people of color. There are random, humorous characters (a pirate that can’t find his pants, an octopus, a bossy queen) that each bring a new twist to Billy’s goo situation.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
Every time we read this story it is a little bit different, as there are many opportunities to ad lib and build up the story around individual characters, as well as use several funny voices (if that is your thing). “Goo” is also a super fun word to say or yell repeatedly (regardless of age, but more so if you are three). Many pages also prompt for interaction by asking “what would you do?” My son has some random answers for that question right now; maybe in the future I will keep track of them. I look forward to more Billy Bloo books and more diverse illustrations by Ross Burach.
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