Bring Maggie Home is a multigenerational story about the Deford women. They are a slightly dysfunctional family group who have gathered together after the youngest, Meghan, needed recovery time after an injury. Hazel Deford is now in her eighties and is the mother to Margaret Diane and grandmother to Meghan, who is a cold case detective. While trying to recover, Meghan decides to create a new photo album for her grandmother. She discovers photos never seen by her or her mom. Hazel becomes really upset by them and slowly explains the stories behind the pictures. In 1943, when Hazel was 10 years old, she took her sister, Maggie, with her to gather blackberries for a pie. Maggie was 3 years old and wandered away and disappeared. Margaret Diane had never known she had an aunt. Margaret Diane felt she had been cloistered by her mother when she was growing up and she didn’t like the bond she saw between her mother and her daughter. She felt cheated of that love from her mother. Meghan, on the other hand, couldn’t understand the bitterness her mother held towards Hazel. Meghan decides to explore the possibility of re-opening this cold case and hoping it might help heal feelings between mother and daughter.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: WaterBrook
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
Bringing Maggie Home is a novel filled with mystery, intrigue, and love. The characters are cranky, joyful, and suspicious, which helps to make them well rounded. The additional side characters in the story all served a purpose that helped with the plot. A central theme is the main characters evolution in their connection with each other and their faith. This is a faith based story of family and forgiveness, and the plot of hunting down a long-lost family member is gripping. Bringing Maggie Home is a heartwarming story that was hard for this reviewer to put down.
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