The mystical power of the Camino de Santiago is captured in a provocative way by Prince in this part-travel, part-leadership lessons book. Between jobs Prince decides to do the 500-mile pilgrimage in northern Spain. Prince has tied his lessons around the seven statements on the “passport” that pilgrims get stamped at the various villages and turn in for the Camino certificate at the end of the transformative journey. The seven reminders include welcome each day, make others feel welcome, share, live in the moment, feel the spirit of those who come before you, appreciate those who walk with your today and imagine those who will follow you. One chapter is devoted to each of the lessons and Prince couples each lesson with quotes from the people he met along the way and then gives examples of how the lesson can be applied in a leadership role.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: AMACOM
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle, Audiobook
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon [/alert]
To add additional interest, Prince displays a photo from his trip at the beginning of each chapter. Some of the leadership lessons are not new ideas but Prince expertly ties the lesson to a message from the Camino. Prince also offers the reader some additional tips if they want to walk the Camino and shares some interesting facts about the Camino today. Undoubtedly readers will be inspired by Prince’s expedition and perhaps will even ponder their own Camino discovery. The Camino Way is a unique perspective for a leadership book, and readers will be stimulated to be more thoughtful about their own lives, as well as those that they lead.
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