Duck and Goose certainly get into the Halloween holiday spirit in this latest addition to the Duck and Goose series written and illustrated by Tad Hills. This is not a scary story, nor are its illustrations too dark. It’s instead a friendly story with inventive (yet respectful) costumes (swamp monster, superhero, and ghost) and how it is okay to be both a little bit afraid and a little bit brave in new situations. If your house does a ‘switch witch’ gift, this might be a fun idea for the little ones.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Schwartz & Wade
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
At our house, it is also nice to have a books to pull out seasonally to change things up and keep the reading rotation fresh. If for some reason you had to read this year round over and over because it became a beloved book, this book would be survivable (unlike a few other books that we are stuck reading at our house.) Duck & Goose, Honk! Quack! Boo! is a great book to put on your fall reading list and presents the reader (or parents) with ideas for dress-up/make believe and even a trio of costumes if you need a theme (bonus costume ideas on the author’s website).
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