While this book is penned for children and is essentially a retelling of the endless song we all know (e-i-e-i-o), the drawings are a bit dark/spooky/muted in color for our personal taste, like a sepia sort of Tim Burton style. The illustrations did not seem to catch/engage my toddler and did not present much in the way opportunity for additional dialogue, which is something I look for and enjoy when reading with my child. Spoiler alert – there is not a plot twist (using term loosely) until the end when Old MacDonald has a bear show up on his farm (e-i-e-i uh oh….).
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Orchard Books
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
Nothing too gruesome happens at this point, thankfully. While the author includes notes of his background and inspiration, which includes talented gothic/spooky illustrations, neither my toddler son nor I really enjoyed this book. I do appreciate his passion and sharing of his personal story however. We will continue to enjoy other versions of everyone’s favorite farmer.
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