A Pakistani immigrant, a naturalized citizen of this country, a lawyer and a Gold Star father has written this book about the significance and importance of our Constitution. This is a small book, but one with a clear and articulate review and explanation of the Constitution. As he introduces us to the subject, Mr. Khan personalizes it with observations and comparisons from his life in Pakistan with what he and we have in this country – our rights, liberties, and responsibilities.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
In the first portion of the book there is a discussion of the need for a constitution and a short history of its development. This is followed with discussion of each of the articles and sections of our Constitution supplemented with his thoughts/observations in bubbles as well as short explanations/history of the section. The remainder of the book looks at amendments and what was addressed. There is a complete copy of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as well as some landmark Supreme Court Cases.
Mr. Khan dedicates this book to middle school students and offers his thoughts about how we all can support and “stand with the constitution.” When you slip off the dust cover, embossed on the front cover is his powerful observation that the constitution is “…a living breathing promise of our deepest democratic values and most cherished human dignities.” This is a book we can all benefit by reading, especially in the face of these times and as an understanding of this man – a true American patriot.
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