This is a collection of messages of hope and love. These are stories that will inspire positive feelings and remind you to cherish the beautiful moments of your life, stories that help connect you to those you love or to your faith. There are stories that will remind you to keep an open mind and an open heart. Each of these stories are shared by people who have experienced these moments and these feelings. Every story illustrates that these people know there is something more.
A wonderful collection of short stories collected by Carol Hibbert, Knowing there is More brings stories from friends, family, and co-workers of the author to share positive and uplifting moments to the reader. Some stories have supernatural moments or focus on the spiritual while others focus on cherished memories of a pet cat or knowing which path their futures take them. All of them incorporate ideas of connecting with other beings.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Inkwater Press
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]
As is usual with anthologies and collections of short stories it is likely that there will be a few chapters or voices that don’t work for a particular reader, however, finding stories to like out of the twenty-two contained in the book should be fairly easy. This isn’t likely to convert anyone not already receptive to the idea of something beyond existence as we know it, but this is a book that will certainly resonate with its intended audience. At a little over two hundred pages, this is a fast read and will be over before you know it. Knowing there is More is a great read for those who may need an emotional boost with some light and easy to read stories.
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