I will admit at the opening that I have not yet seen Matilda, so I did not have a basis for this song. That made reading it a little challenging the first time and that is on me. However, there is nothing a quick internet video can’t solve. After watching/listening to the song, we re-read the book and really enjoyed the story. Steve Antony illustrates the song is some new/fresh ways, not just re-telling Matilda and shows all kinds of children playing and imagining what life will be like when they grow up. My favorite illustration is paired with the verse “And when I grow up, I will have treats every day…” showing more than half a dozen types of children (including children of color, one in a wheelchair, some with glasses) all making a conga line of sorts with shopping cars and bags full of treats. Of note, many of these treats appear to be fruits, but also the more traditional ‘treat’ type foods. I also enjoyed the illustration that pairs with the line “…will watch cartoons until my eyes go square….” This page has the most detail per square inch in this book and we spent several minutes looking, discussing, and playing I Spy. There are pirates, musical bears, aliens, a double-decker bus full of fruit, and turtle in space among other things.
I recommend this book and suggest pairing it with watching Matilda (or at least this song), so you can sing-song read it with your littles. Enjoy the illustrations!
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
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