Anna Fox, a former child psychologist, now resides alone in her home in New York City. Once married and with a young daughter, she now lives alone as a recluse in her own house – an agoraphobic for the past 10 months, who does not go outside. Her condition was brought on by some mysterious trauma that she is currently working through with physical therapy and psychoanalysis. Anna spends her days inside drinking wine; her favorite is a Merlot. She mixes her wine with her prescription drugs, which she understands is quite wrong but she seems not to care too much. She watches old black and white movies such as Gaslight and Rebecca, and many more from her collection. She can quote many line for line. She also plays chess online and gives free advice to people in various internet communities. Anna also likes to watch her neighbors. She stands at her window with her camera and can spy on them each day if she chooses, to the extent that she knows the book that one neighbor reads each month for her book club. She does all of this just to pass the time each day since she cannot venture outside. She continues this existence when new neighbors move across the street that includes a father and mother and teenage son. With her drugged state that she finds herself in some of the time, she watches something from her window that she becomes troubled by because she can’t remember if it really happened or not. Suddenly her life is turned upside down, as she tries to remember if what she saw was real or just imaginary. Has her wine and pills impaired her judgement? People are not always who they appear to be.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: William Morrow
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audiobook, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | iBooks[/alert]
This is a debut novel for A. J. Finn. It already has the movie rights sold and is expanding publication through multiple countries! This novel is a psychological thriller filled with suspense. This reviewer found it very hard to put this book down! It is written smoothly hour by hour and day by day and covers a few weeks’ time. The chapters are short and a few are only one page. There is nothing in the story too chilling or too graphic, which was also good for this reviewer. Each of the characters were developed enough to be believable. The numerous movie references were also very fun to read. This reviewer enjoyed one quote from Anna, “I shudder, wade deeper into my wineglass,” as she thinks about a man she fears! Her character seemed level headed and steady until her episode blew her life apart landing her stuck in her house. The Woman in the Window is an excellent thriller!
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