Kacey Edwards yearns to find a way to break free from the small town she has known her entire life. Her hopes of becoming a veterinarian and finally escaping from her broken family are constantly shaken by the reality that her family cannot afford to pay for even the local community college. Not to mention trying to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of high school and relationships. Her only emotional refuge is her mentor and boss, veterinarian Dr. Dumas and her closest friend, Wayne. But the future seems dark and unforgiving and the reports on the news of some terrible ecological disaster making its way across the world casts an even darker shadow on her already decrepit little town.
[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Lightside/Darkside Entertainment
Formats: Kindle
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]
The Seethe, by Mike Gullickson, is a book that is difficult to put into words. The initial introduction of the setting and characters would give the impression that the book would be another young adult book that focuses on the difficulties of relationships that Kacey has with her family, friends, and romantic interests. The difficult and tumultuous realities of high school love and navigating the topic of sex and relationships sets up for what might seem to be a typical read were it not for the author hinting at something larger looming on the horizon. It isn’t until “The Seethe” occurs that the reader finally realizes how truly unique and captivating this book will be.
The author writes a story that creates a feeling that can only be described as visceral. There is no holding back in detail when things becoming gritty and horrifying. It is a story that will draw you in, horrify you and make you yearn to know what will happen next. The inhumanness of how some of the people react and what they are reacting to is beautifully juxtaposed by the compassion and empathy that Kacey and others show, even in the face of seeming hopelessness. For any reader who enjoys elements of science fiction and horror written with a raw but not overwhelming harshness, intertwined with a coming of age young adult theme, this book is well worth the read. Even those who normally shy away from young adult will find this story engrossing and enjoyable. This is a book well worth taking a chance on.
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