Fourteen islands and seven marine parks are explored in Kahn’s Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. But first, Kahn begins with the history of the area, hiking etiquette and tips, overview of the flora and fauna, and even safety tips. He uses a rating system for the hikes from one to five stars (with five stars indicating “the most outstanding hikes”). Each chapter covers an island with accompanying history, getting there, services and a helpful “especially for walkers” section. Additionally, each hike is summarized in an easy-to-read table denoting trail length, time required, description, level access and cautions. Additional information is located below the table. Pictures and maps are included, too.

[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Harbour Publishing
Formats: Paperback
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]

If one has ever been motivated to explore the Gulf Islands, this is the book to read, bring, and use for one’s next adventure. If one has never considered exploring the Gulf Islands this book will certainly create that desire. Not only is there an explosive amount of information at the reader’s fingertips, but tons of additional resources and information. Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia is truly a treasure trove for any seasoned or new hiker. Kahn has shared the beauty of the area with a simple, straightforward guide.

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