An entertaining read, Not Perfect, by Elizabeth LaBan introduces the reader to Tabitha Brewer. Overnight, Tabitha goes from a charmed life to a “scraping by” existence when her husband suddenly disappears. Tabitha is so concerned with keeping up appearances on her “perfect” life that she refuses to tell her friends the reality of her situation. Tabitha’s two children know something has changed but they are not sure exactly what is different. Tabitha refuses to take her kids to the doctor or feed them healthy meals because she has no money. She plays back her relationship with her husband searching for clues about what went awry and where he might be hiding. While Tabitha is learning to survive on a minimal existence she meets a kind, old lady that might not possess full clarity and a man that she can see herself in a relationship with if she could be honest about her situation.

[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, Audiobook, Audible, Kindle
Purchase: Amazon[/alert]

LaBan’s novel is predictable in its ending, but still mesmerizing in its own way. The reader will truly grasp why perfect is not only not achievable, but not really that great after all. Tabitha realizes at the end of her journey that love, honesty and happiness are more important that a large apartment and shopping at an upscale grocery store. Readers will agree with LaBan about what is most important in life in the end, and ultimately, LaBan teaches the reader to relish in non-material happiness.

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