The beauty of a good science book is that you can feel after reading it that you’ve just got a Ph.D. in a whole new subject you barely knew anything about when you started reading. That is the whole point of this behind the science list, giving you a deeper insight on subjects you maybe just had some vague ideas or knowledge about, and after any or all of these books, you’ll have plenty of scientific facts and details to share at you’re next party now that we’re starting to hang out again.
We all like to think we know a lot about the universe and our galaxy and how everything got started, but do we really know the specifics? Do we have them in the right order? Also, are we up to date on them? Because science is constantly changing and advancing as we learn new things, and this is no more true than with astronomy. Thankfully, there’s a great book to provide answers to all your questions and more. Cosmic Queries from renowned astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson covering topics like how the universe got started, how we got here, and what the future holds for us.
The subtitle for Einstein’s Fridge gives you just a taste of what to expect: how the difference between hot and cold explains the universe. We’ve all heard about the laws of thermodynamics and how they basically allow the universe, our galaxy, Earth, us to keep on existing at a constant rate and keep on doing the things we love to do, and now we get to find how these incredible scientists spent over two centuries learning about and eventually understanding the powers and complexities of fire and ice to come up with and develop these laws of thermodynamics that help us understand everything from individual cell biology to distant black holes.
Dr. Ina Park has spent decades educating everyone she can on sexual health and trying her best to push the boundaries on what we know about STDs, and in Strange Bedfellows, she brings it all together covering everything from AIDS to Zika and giving readers a complete picture of sexually transmitted diseases so that we can know the facts and feel more confidant in our sexual escapades. Park brings a mixture of great storytelling with fact-based science, along with interviews, historical tales, and amusing real-life STD stories.
After the year we’ve had, in 2021 it is more important than ever that we help each other and try our best to help those who are having mental health problems. Depression is suffered by many people throughout the world, but it is still shrouded in mystery. Fighting Chance seeks to change that, providing many stories from people who suffer from depression, as well as the science and the medical knowledge behind it. It is still not clear always what causes depression or how it can go away for some. Fighting Chance gives you both the research from scientists and personal stories.