By Philippa Ballantine
Ace, $7.99, 310 pages

Sorcha Faris is a Deacon in the Order but has lately been spending her time with her partner, Merrick Chambers, following rumors of geists that lead to dead ends. But, when they run into a real geist, one who gives them an ominous warning about Sorcha’s lover, Raed, they find themselves back in action. As part of a political escort team, they discover that someone has unleashed a merciless goddess on the city, who is bent on destruction and must race to stop her before everything is destroyed.

Spectyr is the second installment in the Book of the Order series by Philippa Ballantine.  She has created a highly detailed and inventive world with the series. Her characters are complex and feel real – the reader is able to connect with them. The plot is well-paced, thoughtful and logical and sets up the next book nicely. It is also refreshing that the author does not feel the need to put a happy ending on everything that happens to the characters. Fans of fantasy and sci-fi will enjoy this series.

Barbara Cothern

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