by Whitney Smyth | Jul 11, 2017 | Author Spotlight, Columns, Featured, General Fiction, Humor, Interviews
Steven Rowley’s debut book, Lily and the Octopus is a quirky and heartfelt read that on the surface tells the story of a man’s love for his dying dog, but surprisingly delves so much deeper. The book is laugh out loud funny, and is also likely to make you...
by Site Owner | Apr 9, 2014 | Author Spotlight, Interviews
Interview with Mayim Bialik, Author of Mayim’s Vegan Table: More than 100 Great-Tasting and Healthy Recipes from My Family to Yours PBR: How did you achieve the seemingly impossible task of raising your children on a vegan diet? Bialik: A lot of pre-planning! A...
by Site Owner | Feb 24, 2014 | Author Spotlight
An Interview with Jane Kurtz, author of Anna Was Here Barbara Cothern PBR – One of the things I enjoyed about your book was the way you captured the challenge of moving to a new place and being the outsider for the first time. How much of that came from your...
by Site Owner | Sep 12, 2013 | Author Spotlight
Margaret Ann Lembo Interview Provided by Llewellyn 1. Your new book is The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones. What inspired you to write on this topic? Crystals and gemstones have been near and dear to my heart for over 3 decades. The world of...
by Site Owner | Aug 26, 2013 | Author Spotlight
Interview Questions with Maggie Oman Shannon for Crafting Calm: Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation Compliments of Viva Editions How did you come up with the idea for the book? In 2001 my second book, The Way We Pray: Prayer Practices from...
by michaeld | Jul 8, 2013 | Author Spotlight
Artist Interview With Anita Kunz (b. 1956) Canadian by birth, Anita Kunz has lived in London, New York and Toronto, and has been widely published in Germany, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Canada, South Africa, Holland, Portugal, France and England. Anita Kunz is managed by...