5.1.12: Why Nature Writing?

Why Nature Writing? By Ryder W. Miller When thinking about Nature Writing it is hard not to be confronted with the why question; Why would one read Nature Writing? Why would one write Nature Writing? Why not just go to those places oneself? The experience of nature...

4.18.12: Cookbook Reviewing 101

How to be a Cookbook Reviewer by George Erdosh New cookbooks come by the bushels. If there is demand for them, there is also a supply. So many people are glued to the food channel you would think there is a cooking frenzy in America, yet for most of those viewers this...

2.29.12: The Difficulty of Reviewing

The Difficulty of Reviewing By Jesse Freedman   Perhaps the most difficult part of reviewing books is the process by which the reviewer confronts what constitutes an honest assessment. Setting aside for a moment situations in which the reviewer has a personal...

2.15.12: The Singer Not the Song

The Singer Not the Song? by Joseph Arellano On First Glance Novelist Amy Hatvany (Outside the Lines, Best Kept Secret) introduced an interesting discussion on Facebook by asking, “Do you think most book reviews are about the book or about the reviewer?” ...