by Howard Leighton | Jul 26, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), War & Military
The author of this book is a retired Lt. General of the U.S. Army with a special faculty appointment to the North Carolina State University where he teaches military history. He has written a number of books on military history. In 1968 Chuck and Tom Hagel, brothers...
by Addison Fleming | Jul 9, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Film, TV & Theater, History, War & Military
Christopher Nolan’s film Dunkirk, released in 2017, follows allied troops during World War II as they retreat to the beaches of coastal French city, Dunkirk. In the panic that ensued, Allied troops were slowly evacuated from the beaches, though transportation was...
by Sarah Hutchins | May 16, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Biographies & Memoirs, War & Military
Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Kate Germano arrived at the Fourth Recruit Training Battalion at Parris Island in South Carolina, an all-female unit, determined to improve the women’s performance. When she succeeded, she was fired. She realized that the Marine Corps,...
by Whitney Smyth | Apr 17, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Featured, History, Sponsored, War & Military
Neal F. Thompson’s Reckoning: Vietnam and America’s Cold War Experience, 1945-1991 is a complicated, yet well-researched work of nonfiction. At first glance, this 500 + page book can be overwhelming for many. However, Neal has broken things down nicely by framing the...
by Whitney Smyth | Apr 5, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Historical Fiction, Romance, Sponsored, War & Military
Already in her twenties, Analise is beginning to feel left behind. All her close friends are married with children, but she and Jacob have been engaged for three years. During dinner he announces he’s volunteering to go to Spain to help with the war and Analise can...
by Addison Fleming | Mar 27, 2018 | Archived Reviews (pre-April 2020), Historical Fiction, Mystery, Crime & Thriller, War & Military
Two years after the end of World War II, pregnant, unmarried, American college student, Charlie St. Clair, embarks on a trip throughout Europe in search of her cousin, Rose. Though she hasn’t seen or heard from Rose in years, she believes one Englishwoman, Eve...