This book retells the thirteenth-century Arthurian tale of Sir Morien, the Moorish son of one of the Knights of the Round Table. Morien lived in North Africa with his mother but never met his father, who had gone away on a quest and never returned. So, Morien traveled from Africa through Europe to England, asking about his father. No one had heard of him, and all the knights Morien met only wanted to fight. Morien always won, though.
Finally, Morien found Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain in Wales. After a ridiculously funny fight, both men told Morien that his father was on a quest to save King Arthur. The three decided to quest together, eventually arriving at a castle where they save both Arthur and Morien’s father. After that, Morien finally got to know his father, and Arthur invited Morien to join his Knights.
Sir Morien is both a funny and adventurous book that highlights new aspects of the Arthurian legend. This book may very well captivate young readers and spur them to discover some imaginative quests and adventures of their own.