During life transitions, when one feels unanchored and unsettled, as the author Susan Hensley felt as she entered the uncertain phase of retirement, she found that exposing her emotions through art journaling was the panacea she needed. In this slimly outlined book, the reader is encouraged to collect an assortment of journaling tools. These include a notebook to be retained as a journal, while the essential tools to be used are collections of inexpensive magazines, crayons, watercolors, colored pencils, various brushes, even finger paints and any other supplies that attract the user.
Creating a collage of cut-out printed words that express feelings, applied against patterned colored backgrounds reflecting moods serve as an outlet for the ambiguities that may plague the individual. Several of the author’s art journal products are presented to illustrate the tranquilizing process she followed during controversial periods in her life. This prescription for art journaling to reflect and paint the mood of the individual serves as the therapeutic theme in the fifteen short, but repetitive chapters.