City Day

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When humans explore the great outdoors, they often disrespect their environment without consideration for those that live there. In this humorous antilogy, the author explores the idea of bears, deer, raccoons, otters, and other woodland creatures taking over the big city. As summer comes to an end and campers clear the forest, several animals talk about their desire to visit the city. They partake in human-like behavior, drinking loads of coffee, carelessly throwing items, and generally disregarding their surroundings.

Glenn Brucker’s descriptive language and lively illustrations capture the naive mindset of curious forest animals. The detailed conversations and images included on each page allow for a more elaborate conversation about protecting the environment and creatures that live outside. City Day is an amusing book with a concealed message about respecting your surroundings. This story is a great book to teach children ages three to eight about how instinctive human behavior can drastically affect wildlife.

Reviewed By:

Author Glenn Brucker
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Douglas & McIntyre
Publish Date 22-Mar-2022
ISBN 9781771623087 Buy this Book
Issue August 2022
Category Children's


When humans explore the great outdoors, they often disrespect their environment without consideration for those that live there. In this humorous antilogy, the author explores the idea of bears, deer, raccoons, otters, and other woodland creatures taking over the big city. As summer comes to an end and campers clear the forest, several animals talk about their desire to visit the city. They partake in human-like behavior, drinking loads of coffee, carelessly throwing items, and generally disregarding their surroundings.

Glenn Brucker’s descriptive language and lively illustrations capture the naive mindset of curious forest animals. The detailed conversations and images included on each page allow for a more elaborate conversation about protecting the environment and creatures that live outside. City Day is an amusing book with a concealed message about respecting your surroundings. This story is a great book to teach children ages three to eight about how instinctive human behavior can drastically affect wildlife.

Additional information

Author Glenn Brucker
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publish Date Douglas & McIntyre
ISBN 9781771623087
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue August 2022
Category Children's