The human brain is one key item in our body that is vital to our behavior and survival. Thinking of the phrase “out of sight, out of mind,” our brain is covered by our skull and doesn’t get as much sympathy from anyone as it should when it gets bumped or hurt. Dr. Kabran Chapek, a doctor for the Amen Clinics who specializes in traumatic brain injuries, has written Concussion Rescue for people such as parents, teachers, and coaches to gain more knowledge when it comes to brain injuries. To show that this is a real problem, Dr. Chapek gives many examples throughout the chapters of real people who took a fall, didn’t think anything of it, and then either died shortly after or began experiencing neurological symptoms.
Dr. Chapek writes with a passion for this subject, providing his readers with information such as first aid for your brain, natural treatments for chronic traumatic brain injury, and the importance of nutrition, exercise, and sleep for a healthy brain. I did not know too much about TBIs before reading this book, but after reading this worthwhile information, I am more optimistic that there are options for everyone involved to prevent brain injuries from being a permanent problem.
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