George Sistern, a talented pianist in his mid-forties, is facing financial struggles that are taking a toll on his mental well-being. His encounter with a deceitful scammer has left him devastated and depressed. Concerned about George’s state of mind, his friend recommends him to Mildred Markowitz, a renowned psychologist and philosopher. Despite his initial skepticism, George decides to open up to Mildred, sharing his unhappiness and fears, including his longing for love and the emotional trauma caused by the cunning scammer known as the Poker Queen.
Although the amount of money George lost wasn’t too much, the emotional scars ran deep, leaving him feeling worthless and foolish. Unable to afford formal therapy sessions with Mildred, they devise an informal payment plan that leads to a genuine friendship. As readers delve deeper into George’s background and his encounter with the scammer, they begin to wonder if his newfound friendship with Tony, Mildred’s friend, could be the key to overcoming his trauma. Will this new friend ultimately become George’s savior?
A significant portion of the book focuses on a thought-provoking debate between Professor Markov and Dr. Mildred, analyzing the true nature of the crime, its motivations, the surrounding circumstances, and suitable punishments for criminals. The duo argue that not all crimes should be treated equally, highlighting the existence of gray areas in life and the occasional need to bend the rules in favor of specific circumstances. They also challenge the notion of universal definitions of right and wrong, leaving readers torn between the compelling arguments presented by both sides.
While the book may not have a traditional narrative structure, it captivates readers through the sessions between George and Mildred, where they reflect on past experiences and the valuable lessons learned. Mildred’s wealth of knowledge in philosophy and psychology, coupled with her charming and caring nature, makes her the star of the book. Her approach to life is admirable, and readers can glean valuable insights from her sessions with George, almost as if they were personally engaging with a therapist.
George’s pain and vulnerability after falling victim to a scam will resonate deeply with readers who have experienced similar situations. The book portrays George as an intriguing character, flawed yet lovable. It deviates from the conventions of fiction, focusing primarily on the dialogues between George and Mildred. While some readers may find themselves yearning for more plot development, the title accurately reflects the book’s content: intelligent conversations with the wise and insightful Mildred. Dialogues with the Wise Woman by Richard Todd Devens is an excellent choice for readers seeking fiction that addresses societal issues and provokes contemplation.