When you’re a kid, making friends can seem like second nature. When you’re an adult, not having friends can seem like second nature. For some people, they are perfectly fine with this arrangement; for others, Friendshipping: The Art of Finding Friends, Being Friends and Keeping Friends will help. Within the pages, Jenn and Trin offer personal advice that can also be heard on their podcast, Friendshipping. The girls cover every aspect of being and making friends. The advice is modern and up-to-date with lessons on proper etiquette on making friends, being friends, and keeping the friendship, such as the importance of identifying your pronouns, social media, and being precise with every detail.
Those who can relate to the struggles involving friendships will want to check out this book. Much of the information includes communication, not reading into things on social media, and being upfront and honest about feelings and everything. The advice given is explained well for anyone to understand and implement in their own lives. The questions submitted by listeners are helpful for real-life examples of friendship dilemmas and the pictures interspersed add color to the colorful commentary.