Gone With the Wind

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The year 1939 was a monumental one for cinema. Gone with the Wind staring Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable began with buzz and continues to be a talked about eighty-three years later. Like many other films, or really anything pertaining to other people, there are things unknown, whether intentional or not.

In Pauline Bartel’s Gone with the Wind, each day from preproduction and the casting of characters to the wrap-up of filming the classic film are documented for readers not around at the location or time. Information about cast and crew, namely birthdays, things that happened behind the scenes such as signing contracts, completion of filming scenes, and various interactions among the crew, and what was announced in the news are the three categories mentioned for every day from January 1 to December 31, 1939.

Most every day contains a bite-size amount of the daily grind to allow the reader the option of reading much or little and experiencing the happenings related to the movie as if they were there. Fans of the classic Gone with the Wind will appreciate the extra details in the book as a necessity to be a super fan!

Reviewed By:

Author Pauline Bartel
Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 250 pages
Publisher Lyons Press
Publish Date 15-Jul-2022
ISBN 9781493036134
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue September 2022
Category Music & Movies


The year 1939 was a monumental one for cinema. Gone with the Wind staring Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable began with buzz and continues to be a talked about eighty-three years later. Like many other films, or really anything pertaining to other people, there are things unknown, whether intentional or not.

In Pauline Bartel’s Gone with the Wind, each day from preproduction and the casting of characters to the wrap-up of filming the classic film are documented for readers not around at the location or time. Information about cast and crew, namely birthdays, things that happened behind the scenes such as signing contracts, completion of filming scenes, and various interactions among the crew, and what was announced in the news are the three categories mentioned for every day from January 1 to December 31, 1939.

Most every day contains a bite-size amount of the daily grind to allow the reader the option of reading much or little and experiencing the happenings related to the movie as if they were there. Fans of the classic Gone with the Wind will appreciate the extra details in the book as a necessity to be a super fan!

Additional information

Author Pauline Bartel
Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 250 pages
Publish Date Lyons Press
ISBN 9781493036134
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue September 2022
Category Music & Movies