Lived reality often falls far short of American ideals of inclusivity. This book explores injustices against Muslims, especially after the 9/11 tragedy. The narrative outlines that regardless of political affiliation, the American response to Muslims has been one of exclusion, injustice, and sometimes, outright violence.
In some cases, it may be a talk show host asking a Muslim guest how Muslims reconcile their identities as Muslims with being American. The underlying assumption is that the two identities are not fully compatible with each other (although this may not be the case). The book also highlights how government policy and messaging are at odds with the ideals it upholds and how it actually treats Muslims (e.g., torture techniques used in Iraq and Guantanamo while claiming adherence to the Geneva Conventions).
The book’s objective is to outline the various ways in which we (as a people and as a government) have been unjust toward Muslims. Of course, there are incidences where Muslims have been valued as part of American society, but those are beyond the scope of this book. The most powerful part is the last chapter, where excerpts of interviews with citizens, some Muslim and some non-Muslim, showcase American treatment of Muslims.