This book is an homage to the founders of Tiff’s Treats, a company that delivers warm cookies on demand. The tales of the company’s growing pains might feel inspiring to entrepreneurs just starting out, except that the founders had some extraordinary and unlikely help and lucky breaks. Sentimental quotations from happy customers sharing how Tiff’s Treats changed their lives punctuate the founders’ humble bragging (and, bizarrely, advice about parenting and relationships).
So, what about the recipes? They do not even pretend to replicate what you would get if you ordered from the company (they are “inspired by”), which is just as well. Although this book includes recipes for twenty-seven cookies, they are nothing particularly special––mostly fairly basic classics, like chocolate chip, with variations. If I were to make these cookies first, I would not seek out Tiff’s Treats for delivery.
The story is not bad, and neither are the cookies you create from this book, but anticipating a cookbook only to find it’s an extended marketing brochure is irritating to say the least. Perhaps if you are already a fan of Tiff’s Treats you will find the company’s story interesting, but for stellar cookies, I recommend looking elsewhere.