My Compass and Anchor to Windward

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My Compass and Anchor to Windward: A Story of Love, Imagination, and Adventure written by Eleanor Byrd, chronicled the life of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, a treasured American hero who was the very first pilot to fly over the North and South Poles. Also, Admiral Byrd organized and oversaw the first and the second scientific expeditions in Antarctica in 1928 and 1933.

The novel is well-balanced between detailing the life and legacy of Richard’s career as a U.S admiral that served the United States of America and highlighting the harrowing experiences Admiral Byrd endured with his team of brave men that persevered in the stark terrain of Antarctica, where they endured temperatures of temperatures as low as −128.6 °F.

The genesis of Richard and Marie’s love story began in childhood; they met by happenstance when the Byrd residence had Marie and her mother and sister over as guests. A soul connection was made between Richard and Marie that eventuated into a lifetime of commitment and love.

Much of the novel was chronicled via a collection of letters exchanged between Richard and Marie while serving in the military and abroad, engrossed in private excursions gathered for publication by their granddaughter Eleanor and provided a readable and emotive view into the heart of Admiral Byrd.

Admiral Byrd’s wife Marie’s tenaciously maternal spirit piloted her children and marriage through tumultuous times of uncertainty regarding safety issues and raising her children with their beloved father thousands of miles away. Her steadfast demeanor was a testament to the power of love, and her memory is the picture of a truly devoted mother and wife who implemented her inner strength to rise above with her family in tow against all challenges her family faced.

Furthermore, the novel provides an impressive litany of historical references that will serve as a history lesson to the readers. Also, author Eleanor created a brilliant timeline of her late grandparent’s courtship, marriage, family life, and the extraordinary legacy created by their lineage.

My Compass and Anchor to Windward will provide the readers with a new appreciation of America’s involvement in World War I and World War ll and the actual hardships faced by military personnel throughout the decades in tandem with their families at home. Undoubtedly, this book will remain in the delves of the readers’ memory banks long after finishing the last page.

Reviewed By:

Author Eleanor Byrd
Star Count 5/5
Format eBook
Page Count 652 pages
Publisher Self-Published
Publish Date 10-Feb-2022
ISBN Buy this Book
Issue May 2022
Category Biographies & Memoirs


My Compass and Anchor to Windward: A Story of Love, Imagination, and Adventure written by Eleanor Byrd, chronicled the life of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, a treasured American hero who was the very first pilot to fly over the North and South Poles. Also, Admiral Byrd organized and oversaw the first and the second scientific expeditions in Antarctica in 1928 and 1933.

The novel is well-balanced between detailing the life and legacy of Richard’s career as a U.S admiral that served the United States of America and highlighting the harrowing experiences Admiral Byrd endured with his team of brave men that persevered in the stark terrain of Antarctica, where they endured temperatures of temperatures as low as −128.6 °F.

The genesis of Richard and Marie’s love story began in childhood; they met by happenstance when the Byrd residence had Marie and her mother and sister over as guests. A soul connection was made between Richard and Marie that eventuated into a lifetime of commitment and love.

Much of the novel was chronicled via a collection of letters exchanged between Richard and Marie while serving in the military and abroad, engrossed in private excursions gathered for publication by their granddaughter Eleanor and provided a readable and emotive view into the heart of Admiral Byrd.

Admiral Byrd’s wife Marie’s tenaciously maternal spirit piloted her children and marriage through tumultuous times of uncertainty regarding safety issues and raising her children with their beloved father thousands of miles away. Her steadfast demeanor was a testament to the power of love, and her memory is the picture of a truly devoted mother and wife who implemented her inner strength to rise above with her family in tow against all challenges her family faced.

Furthermore, the novel provides an impressive litany of historical references that will serve as a history lesson to the readers. Also, author Eleanor created a brilliant timeline of her late grandparent’s courtship, marriage, family life, and the extraordinary legacy created by their lineage.

My Compass and Anchor to Windward will provide the readers with a new appreciation of America’s involvement in World War I and World War ll and the actual hardships faced by military personnel throughout the decades in tandem with their families at home. Undoubtedly, this book will remain in the delves of the readers’ memory banks long after finishing the last page.

Additional information

Author Eleanor Byrd
Star Count 5/5
Format eBook
Page Count 652 pages
Publish Date Self-Published
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue May 2022
Category Biographies & Memoirs