Snooze-O-Rama: The Strange Ways That Animals Sleep

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While a child covers herself in a warm blanket, sea otters wrap themselves in seaweed to help anchor them in place before dozing off for a bit. When a little boy pulls on his pajamas, a parrotfish shields itself from head to tail in slime, creating its own sleeping bag and a layer of protection, and while a youngster slumbers late on the weekend, painted turtles burrow into the soft sand at the bottom of lakes, ponds, and rivers to hibernate until the spring warmth gently wakes them. Walruses, meerkats, orangutans, and more all have their own unique ways of putting themselves to bed each day or night.

This fascinating book will undoubtedly capture the interests of children ages five to nine. It’s full of fun tidbits about the sleeping habits of a variety of creatures, some tiny but resilient and efficient, others large and resourceful. The illustrations are filled with brilliant colors and patterns, life, and activity. Clues are embedded in them, guiding readers to determine which critters will be featured next. For example, on the page preceding the sea otters, there is a child snuggling up in a seaweed-colored comforter. This aspect of the text adds a unique richness to it.

Reviewed By:

Author Maria Birmingham
Star Count 4.5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Owlkids
Publish Date 15-Mar-2021
ISBN 9781771474047 Buy this Book
Issue June 2021
Category Children's


While a child covers herself in a warm blanket, sea otters wrap themselves in seaweed to help anchor them in place before dozing off for a bit. When a little boy pulls on his pajamas, a parrotfish shields itself from head to tail in slime, creating its own sleeping bag and a layer of protection, and while a youngster slumbers late on the weekend, painted turtles burrow into the soft sand at the bottom of lakes, ponds, and rivers to hibernate until the spring warmth gently wakes them. Walruses, meerkats, orangutans, and more all have their own unique ways of putting themselves to bed each day or night.

This fascinating book will undoubtedly capture the interests of children ages five to nine. It’s full of fun tidbits about the sleeping habits of a variety of creatures, some tiny but resilient and efficient, others large and resourceful. The illustrations are filled with brilliant colors and patterns, life, and activity. Clues are embedded in them, guiding readers to determine which critters will be featured next. For example, on the page preceding the sea otters, there is a child snuggling up in a seaweed-colored comforter. This aspect of the text adds a unique richness to it.

Additional information

Author Maria Birmingham
Star Count 4.5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publish Date Owlkids
ISBN 9781771474047
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue June 2021
Category Children's