This is the yoga book I have been waiting for. While it might take decades to properly master and understand yoga, this book simplifies the concepts, poses, and practice of yoga with beautiful graphics and understandable text. The author suggests that it is not designed for a beginner, but instead includes twenty tools to assist readers in the independent study and development of their practice.
Like many converts, the author began her study of yoga by using it to recover from an injury. This makes her an ideal proponent of the benefits of the restorative nature of the art.
I have always felt ridiculous asking basic questions about yoga and its terminology, and never felt that I completely understood what people were telling me: yama, asanas, niyama, pranayama, etc. It can be confusing and daunting to go down the road of incomprehension. The author of this book, however, has none of the smugness that comes from many of the well-known yoga practitioners. She is straightforward, plain talking, and clear. This book is highly recommended.