The Dreaded Cliff

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From retired National Park Service ranger of thirty years, Terry Nichols, The Dreaded Cliff is about an extraordinary journey from an ordinary packrat named Flora. Flora is always warned by other packrats to beware of the dreaded cliff, but she doesn’t understand why. One day, Flora meets another packrat named Grandma Mimi who tells her about a time when the cliff was home to all packrats, until a beast drove them away. When a couple of humans hit the road in their van—Flora’s home—Flora suddenly finds herself in new territory. She encounters quicksand and the King of all Kangaroo Rats, but will Flora ever return home? Nichols gives readers a charming packrat character, while also providing an accurate picture of packrat behavior in their natural setting of the high desert. The end of the book includes more detailed descriptions of the other animals encountered in the story, including a packrat’s natural predators, the Great Horned Owl and Great Basin Gopher Snake. Odessa Sawyer’s black and white illustrations provide further detail of Flora and her environment. An ideal book for those younger middle grade readers transitioning from early reader to more advanced middle grade books.

Reviewed By:

Author Terry Nichols
Star Count 4/5
Format eBook
Page Count 250 pages
Publisher Kinkajou Press
Publish Date 2021-Mar-02
ISBN 9781951122126 Buy this Book
Issue March 2021
Category Tweens


From retired National Park Service ranger of thirty years, Terry Nichols, The Dreaded Cliff is about an extraordinary journey from an ordinary packrat named Flora. Flora is always warned by other packrats to beware of the dreaded cliff, but she doesn’t understand why. One day, Flora meets another packrat named Grandma Mimi who tells her about a time when the cliff was home to all packrats, until a beast drove them away. When a couple of humans hit the road in their van—Flora’s home—Flora suddenly finds herself in new territory. She encounters quicksand and the King of all Kangaroo Rats, but will Flora ever return home? Nichols gives readers a charming packrat character, while also providing an accurate picture of packrat behavior in their natural setting of the high desert. The end of the book includes more detailed descriptions of the other animals encountered in the story, including a packrat’s natural predators, the Great Horned Owl and Great Basin Gopher Snake. Odessa Sawyer’s black and white illustrations provide further detail of Flora and her environment. An ideal book for those younger middle grade readers transitioning from early reader to more advanced middle grade books.

Additional information

Author Terry Nichols
Star Count 4/5
Format eBook
Page Count 250 pages
Publish Date Kinkajou Press
ISBN 9781951122126
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue March 2021
Category Tweens