A magical story adapted from a tale in the Talmud describing the charitable work of an ancient Rabbi is here transcribed into a children’s story by the talented author Ruth Horowitz. Using forest creatures in this tale, Hanina, the chipmunk gathers nuts and generously shares this food with her playful friends, the grateful mouse and appreciative raccoon. Unfortunately, aged Mathilda Squirrel is too proud to accept a gift offering. Puzzled at how to help her old but very independent and stubborn acquaintance, Hanina struggles to find a solution to help without embarrassing her friend. She learns that it is considered a mitzvah or good deed to help others and also to be certain not to embarrass anyone. So amid the dangers of the night, at peril to herself, Hanina drops a basket of nuts at the squirrel’s front door and hides while her friend collects the mysterious windfall. This loving story is framed by embracing mood-filled colors that the illustrator produced with vibrant gouache, crayons, and pencils. The morals in this colorful tale emphasize doing mitzvahs or good deeds, having compassion for others, and presenting charity while staying behind the scenes.