Sometimes, there is an impulse to leave it all behind, disappear, or walk away. The heroine in this novel has just such a moment when her emotionally troubled husband goes too far. What starts as a blissful getaway from the pandemic, a lovely hike and picnic could end up with dire consequences.
The heroine and her mother were first devastated by another on September 11th, when the floor of her father’s workplace was blown up by terrorism. The family grieves the loss of that perfect father, now given heroic status and fond remembrances. It is no wonder that our heroine, Darla, chooses a domineering spouse who is emotionally unavailable.
The novel is also rich with several sub-stories about the diversity in New York City, which leaves people separated and lonely even before the pandemic hits. The novelist questions what happens when people are adrift in strange places without the anchors of family and friends. This is not just a story of the pandemic; it is about everything that separates us from one another.