In The Way of Miracles, Dr. Mincolla, a holistic physician, explains how one can create miracles by accessing the superconscious level of the mind. He describes how his experience with an unexpected illness led him to understand how to access his super consciousness and thereby find a way back to health and wholeness. The book includes in-depth discussions on ancient practices and modern scientific findings of how the body and mind function. Readers learn how to access and become aware of areas of the mind that may have been previously ignored. By focusing on the present state and becoming aware of our inner being through mindfulness and meditation, one can reach a higher state of consciousness.
For me, the best part of this work is the excellent examples provided at the end of each chapter, designed to help readers put into practice what has been discussed. There is nothing better than being able to see for yourself how Dr. Mincolla’s suggestions work. I enjoyed hearing about the experiences of his patients and their success as they learned how to heal themselves. His section on better nutrition for improving health was also beneficial. Overall, this is an enlightening book that I’m sure I will consult again and again.