Kat Leyh’s Thirsty Mermaids follows a pod consisting of two mermaids (Pearl and Tooth) and a sea witch (Eez). After running out of alcohol, they decide to become landlubbers in order to acquire more booze. The trio stumble upon a pub named Thirsty Mermaids, and there they meet a kind bartender who helps them navigate the human world. Raucousness ensues as the trio learn to deal with things they’re not accustomed to, such as wearing clothing, being gainfully employed, and earning income.
Leyh expertly crafts a story with LGTBQ+ characters that deals with various issues around family, acceptance, mental health, and feeling comfortable in your own skin. There’s plenty of belching and profanity and a whole lot of heart in this story. It was highly entertaining reading all about the trio’s various landlubbing adventures and misadventures from finding booze to landing a job. Graphic novel enthusiasts who love adventurous stories with diverse and boisterous characters will get a kick out of this book.