Unstoppable: Siggi B. Wilzig’s Astonishing Journey from Auschwitz Survivor and Penniless Immigrant to Wall Street Legend by Joshua M. Greene is a riveting and heart-wrenching memoir that educates and inspires its readers on not only Wilzig’s life story but the horrors of the Holocaust. The novel follows Wilzig’s journey from childhood, to Auschwitz, to his rising success. As CEO of an oil company and multibillion-dollar bank, I was amazed at Siggi’s perseverance, strength, and unwavering courage.
Wilzig was born in Germany and faced anti-Semitism within his hometown and daily life. Bullied for his faith and differences, Siggi faced the challenge of overcoming adversity from early childhood. At age sixteen, Siggi was arrested and brought to a concentration camp. Upon this event, the anti-Semitism he experienced in his youth was increased hundredfold. From the stories of his hometown to Auschwitz, the chilling narrative of Siggi’s survival and experiences educates its audience on the true terrors of the SS’s cruelty and methods.
The story continues through Siggi’s emancipation as he ends up in New York soon after his release. The novel states that “He had nothing: no resources and no credentials. He spoke with a thick German accent, had only a grade-school education, stood five feet and one-half inches short and years of torture and starvation were still fresh on his mind. Yet here he was, still breathing”. Siggi had every reason to give up, yet his setbacks did not stop him from moving forward. He promised himself three things: “First, that he would never go hungry again. Second, he would marry a Jewish woman, have children and help rebuild the Jewish people. Third, he would preserve Holocaust memory and speak up whenever he witnessed injustice”. Upon these decisions, he began to rebuild and change his life.
As the story continued, I was constantly touched by Siggi’s resilience, creativity, and unbelievable accomplishments. Engrossing, page-turning, and breath-taking, my attention never wavered from Wilzig’s journey. I felt as if I truly grew with him, from his initial beginning in New York shoveling snow, to CEO. The words stated “Siggi B. Wilzig is probably the best example of the modern-day American dream” could not be more true. Extremely well written and easy to follow, I appreciated the picture supplements, personal anecdotes, and quotes from other sources to supplement the work. Truly a tale of courage and representation of growth after suffering, I would recommend this novel to all, especially in schools to further educate them on the Holocaust and the atrocities during World War II.